HERE WE GO, so if you missed me I'm sorry we've been Kickin' Some Ass and I have finally been able to start putting it together and catch you all up. First up our HARD WORK & SMOKIN' TUNES finally caught the attention of NO PANTS RECORDS

( ) owner MATT DANGER after doing a No Pants Records Showcase last summer and asking Matt Danger to help with a few out of state tour dates as well as a couple other awesome shows, he announced just before midnight on Dec 31st 2016 that "STOLEN ROSE is officially ON THE NO PANTS RECORDS ROSTER."
Now after that it was time to spread some tunes starting with our first show of the year & our first show at one of Portland's premiere rock venues, DANTES where we joined THE VERNER PANTONS , &

SAVAGE FAMILY BAND for a benefit show to raise money for the water protectors standing against the DAPL. Although it was right in the middle of SNOWPOCALYPSE over 100 people showed up and not only paid (donated) at the door but also bid on Native American artwork and jewelry and other donated items raising over $1000 for the water protectors at the Standing Rock Camp MNI WICONI.
The next BIG SHOW we did was when we HIT THE ROAD and headed to SIN CITY to play World Famous Dive Bar THE DOUBLE DOWN SALOON LAS VEGAS but before we could do that we represented NO PANTS RECORDS style and stopped by PUNKS IN VEGAS we did a Stripped Down Session where they did a LIVE VIDEO SHOOT of us throwin down unplugged versions of our tune SWALLOW ME & Motorheads' ACE OF SPADES.

It didn't stop there after some well deserved In N Out Burger and hooking up with our brother from another mother JEFFREY PETERSON THE 420 COMIC for a smoke out we all headed to The Double Down Saloon to join THE RIFLEMAN LAS VEGAS, JESSE & THE HOGG BROTHERS, MIZZ ABSURD & our Host/MC JEFFREY PETERSON THE 420 COMIC for a fun & freaky show that had a burlesque dancer,a couple short but hilarious sets from Jeffrey Peterson, someone dressed in a dog costume and of course KILLER TUNES by Awesome People you can bet we'll be back on our winter tour.
When we got back to PDX we played (possibly for the last time) THE ASH STREET SALOON for another BALLS OUT NPR SHOW with RAISE THE BRIDGES, SWIM ATLANTIC & MATT DANGER hopefully we'll be able to get one more set there before yet another iconic venue gets shut down. Then we jumped right into the studio to start recording our first No Pants Records E.P. (still untitled) at BACKLINE RECORDS and as of right now we only have a few vocal tracks left to lay down before we start mixing & mastering and SHITGODAMN IT'S SMOKIN' we are excited to get these tunes out to you all as soon as possible so look out for a mid-late summer release. Followed by MORE TOURING #TourOrDie.
SPEAKING OF TOURING we have started a GoFundMe account to
help us LEVEL UP and start touring longer and further, so with your donations we will get to a town near you. One of those donations was from a family member of Team Stolen Rose in the form of an enclosed trailer and we were totally blown away as this just extended how far we can travel and we had another super fan donate $40 which gets us about 300 miles down the road so PLEASE DO WHAT YOU CAN. Every dollar counts and we have some great gifts to show our gratitude and if I could I would hug everyone of you and will if I see ya at a show.
ONE LAST THING I wanted to make sure to give a shout out to another great Portland band we played a couple shows with before I go, our good friends THE OUTCOME make sure to check em out they have some killer tunes and have a good time playing them. There's still more awesome things coming up including a new shirt design and the spring summer tour but I'll save those for the next #BOS #TheBlogOfSaint so until then #SupportLiveMusicAlways
#RockBlog #PortlandMusic #StolenRose #PNWMusic #BOS #TheBlogOfSaint #LIVEMUSIC #MusicBlog #HELLSHITFUCKYEAH #NoPantsRecords #MattDanger #TheOutcome #JeffreyPetersonThe420Comic #420 #stonerrock #outlawrockpunkrock #Portland #LasVegasMusic #LasVegas #Oregon #OregonMusic #TheAshStreetSaloon #TheDoubleDownSaloon #DantesPortland